I know I’ve written about brows before but your eyebrow shape and colour is probably the single most important component of your beauty regime.
If your brows are on point, the rest of your makeup routine can be kept to a minimum. Especially women over 40! Less is definitely more.
The brows frame the face and taking the time to find a good brow specialist is really worthwhile. Once you have achieved the right look for you, apart from a good haircut and a compatible foundation, makeup should be kept simple.
As we age, we generally lose the last quadrant of our brows, so a good strategy is to have your brows either feather tattooed or coloured in the right arch and length to enhance your facial features.
I definitely recommend finding a great brow specialist. Don’t do it at home unless you have great confidence in your own brow ability!

Let your brows grow out to their full potential – ie – up to 8 weeks. By doing this you can determine your brows natural shape.
Shop around for a good brow specialist and book an appointment.
Talk with your brow specialist to see how to achieve the best result for you. Brow arch, angle, length and colour.
Trim the brows without giving them a buzz cut! Trim and groom the hairs in the right direction for a best brow result. Tweeze any random hairs that don’t fit with your new brow profile.
If you have any areas of the brows that lack hairs (yup it happens as we age), either colour these with a good brow pencil or have them feather tattooed or coloured professionally.
One mistake many ladies make is colouring their brows too dark. Unless you areCleopatra – stay away from black. Be pedantic with your colour palette and have your brows a shade lighter than go too dark.
If you are lucky enough to live in Perth, I have found a great brow specialist in Nedlands.
Try Samantha J Eyebrows at My Skin Boutique, Nedlands, 0419 032 023.