My guilty pleasure is my handbag collection

There is no doubt the handbag has a serious status in the world of fashion and on the street.

Let's be honest, we love them and admire the handbags other women carry!

It isn’t hard to spend thousands on a bag but thankfully many labels produce really well priced, functional handbags which you can use every day.

Crown Jewels has compiled a list of 5 handbags which are seriously good value and all are under $300.00!   

You may even be tempted to add one to your collection!

Wanting a splash of colour on your arm?

Look no further than Oroton’s Metier Tote in red. $279.00


The sophisticated and luxurious navy pebble grain medium tote by $276.00


Country Road’s relaxed, natural suede hobo bag.


Duck Egg blue Estate medium tote by Oroton. $149.00


To compliment corporate work attire, carry Country Road’s black leather and suede.

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