In an earlier blog I outlined how to declutter your wardrobe.
Now we are focusing on how to resurrect existing clothing and how to store what is in your wardrobe.
Find a great seamstress or find a good repair outlet, which could help you with the pieces you want to keep but need reviving. I have recently altered the lengths of some of skirts and dresses and it feels like I have 4 new pieces in my wardrobe. I had several shirts dyed different colours and I had two dresses taken in and the hem lifted slightly so I feel like I have 10 new pieces to play with next summer.
I’m not a Virgo but I do colour co-ordinate my wardrobe. I run my clothes from White to Black. All my shirts follow this order and it works for me.
Other options are to “hang” all skirts together colour blocked and ditto with jackets, pants, dresses and blouses. Soo much easier to find pieces when you need them.
Whilst on the topic of how to run your clothes, don’t forget to use quaility clothes hangers….otherwise Joan Crawford will taunt you in a nightmare… No wire hangers!!!
All my sarongs and scarves are rolled and placed into a wide box so I can see each one and find what I require readily. This is more space efficient and is also visually pleasing.
I roll all my belts. I stack my jeans in shelves and colour co-ordinate black, to dark denim, to paler denim.
If you have a shoe fetish, one idea is to photograph the shoe and place at the end of your shoe box and stack your shoes boxes, so you can identify the shoe easily and it is an effective way to keep them dust free.
It’s a great idea, if you have the space to separate your bras and underwear into black and white or your colours of preference. I have a different drawer for all my black underwear and one for white or pale colours.
I am a frequent gym user so I have found it most effective for me to roll neatly all my t-shirts and gym tops. I have a shoe box within my drawer for all my socks and my gym skins I stack from black to colour.
My jewellery is placed in a rather beautiful jewellery box purchased many years ago. I am lucky it is large and spacious and has room for all pieces. Sometimes, if I feel creative, I will display some pieces beneath my shirt hanging space just to remind me of what I have.
It is true, we only wear about a quarter of our wardrobe so, be bold and brave and be sure to mix things up and really work your wardrobe.
When shopping for clothes really think about your purchase – do you really need the piece? Remember less is more and always go for quality over trends – you will find you will have the piece in your wardrobe for a long time and the extra initial cost will pay for itself in wear time! Most importantly have fun with your wardrobe and wear it well.